Once I had the new WP 3.1b1 running, it was time to build links.  My first thought was to use ShareThis.  It is a great plugin that builds links for every post.  And it worked flawlessly on my local WordPress 3.1b1 platform.  But it won’t work on WordPress.com.
So I started to read up on applets that could be embedded as HTML code.  Several tools are available.  But the best of the rest is GetSocial.  It is designed with WordPress in mind.  You input the title for your post and the permalink.  Once entered, GetSocial will generate the necessary HTML.
After a little testing, I decided to start updating a large group of posts from my blog.  While I will be glad when WordPress finally releases a functional sharing feature, GetSocial seems to fit the bill for the meantime.  BTW, if you don’t want to use a Windows applet, don’t worry.  The folks at GetSocial have created GetS0ocial Live so that you can use GetSocial even if you don’t use Windows.
This tool gets 4/5 stars on the roo-meter.  It’s good enough – for now.

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