Here are today’s “quick takes”

  1. After month’s of investigation, the Cassini orbiter has finally captured images of the “spokes” in Saturn’s rings.
  2. Lance Armstrong held a conference call yesterday. He cleared up all the speculation concerning his retirement. And the message is simple: Lance is retired and he is staying retired.
  3. After a spirited challenge from Dennis Menchov, Roberto Heras is in firm control of the Vuelta a Espania. Barring something catastrophic, he will crusie into Madrid on Sunday and earn his fourth golden jersey.
  4. Robert Scoble has put up a cool video (on Channel 9) about the Microsoft Sparkle project. Microsoft is hoping that Sparkle will become a real competitor to Flash-based animations on web sites.
  5. News.Com is reporting on the prgress of a new broadband telecommunications bill that promises to overall many facets of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In particular, this bill (if enacted) promises to clarify the already muddled legal framework surrounding BITS, VoIP and broadband video.
