After launching this blog a couple of months ago, I started to notice that I was plumetting down the rankings scale. Apart from the ego hit I took, I wanted to find out why. So after a little research, I think I may be the victim of the Google “sandbox effect.” So it’s time to start the process of actively increasing my outbound (and inbound) links as well as increasing my tagging efforts.
For those not familiar with the problem, there is rampant speculation (for over a year) that Google “adjusts” search results to favor those sites who provide potential revenue. Hence, many site developers recommend that neo-bloggers (on Blogger especially) should select AdSense. I will actively avoid that. But if you can increase the inbound link references, please do so. The situation has gotten a little better since Scoble linked to me a couple of times. But that effect won’t last – especially if I don’t keep his attention. 😉